One of the main reasons Bridge The Gap Charitable Trust manages to help disadvantaged people through discrete projects is the amazing and varied participation of local individuals and groups in the fundraising effort - and this is a continuing venture. Fundraising can be hard work but it can also be tremendously rewarding and great fun, especially when you organise a social occasion with friends and family.
*Auction of promises *BBQs *Book sales *Bridge drive *Cake bake & sale *Car boot sale *Clothes swap *Coffee mornings *Competitions *Concerts *Fun run *Garage sale *Garden teas *Marmalade & jam sale *Open gardens *Pimms & Puds *Progressive supper *Sponsored activities *Talks *Themed dances. If you can come up with something we haven't thought of, let us know!
Please email us with your fundraising suggestion and we'll help to make it happen!